Pixar Rewatch: “Toy Story 2” | “Monsters Inc.”
Toy Story 2 (1999)
I will not be able to do true justice to Toy Story 2 in half a blog, but I have to try!
It is a miracle this is so good. Disney ordered a straight-to-dvd, worse animation sequel, and Pixar said no, we’re doing this right.
The team worked tirelessly (almost deleting the whole movie in the process, great story if you haven’t heard it), and the animation shows.
Somehow in just a year ish after A Bug’s Life we’ve reached a whole new level. Reflections are even stronger, Bo has an actual shiny porcelain tinge, dogs and humans look way better, actual dirt on the toys increases as they journey that stays consistent throughout the film, absolutely nuts.
The opener was fantastic. Everything I want in Lightyear this Summer.
The Toys’ overarching storyline kicks off hard right away in this movie: what happens when the kids grow up/a toy gets broken?
Every toy (except Buzz and the bois™️) encounters this profoundly. Woody’s is most obvious, but Sarah McLachlan sings us straight through Jesse’s sad story of abandonment. Wheezy encountered this too.
The entire Woody’s Roundup Gang story is amazing. The truth is, Woody and Buzz are equally famous at different points, and that adds a whole other layer of this. How old is Woody?
Toy Story 4’s villain has this crisis too, but Stinky Pete (played by Frasier himself Kelsey Grammar) is actually the first villain of the series that is hurt by never being chosen, never being loved. Obviously, these themes are profound in reference to real life, family, and growing up.
This has a TON of parallels to the first one. Way too many to reference, but I love how it’s totally a new thing but so much symmetry exists all the same.
This movie is wonderful and absolutely the best Toy Story, possibly the best Pixar film to date. 10/10.
Underrated Character:
Mr. Potato Head for the throwing on mustache and saying “Okay fellas, let’s roll,” tied with Bullseye because he’s so cute!
Monsters Inc. (2001)
Aww, where to begin. What a beloved piece of my childhood.
I absolutely adore this movie. The Billy Crystal + John Goodman duo is so *chefs kiss*
This movie is cute, but funny too. Pixar completely upped their pun game for this one with the entire Monster world.
The story of Monsters Inc. is unique and genius. The whole build out of scaring children is pushed into an energy crisis story. Quite literally, children’s screams are fossil fuels/un-renewable energy, and kids by getting less scared, the energy is running out.
(Some may not love the political ideals here, but just do what everyone did in 2001 and don’t think about it too much! This is a funny movie.)
The opener of this is fantastic. Mike’s fake radio, the commercial, absolutely love it.
I should mention Randy Newman upped his game with this one on the music. Did you know the opener jazzy song is the same as “If I Didn’t Have You?” Sped up? Now you do.
Sully and Boo’s growing relationship is the heart of this movie. I feel like this was a fun way of showing how unsure fathers flow into fatherhood so naturally because of how quickly they fall in love with their children. Kind mild mannered tough guy Sully just completely breaks down in his love for Boo.
Two Random Things…
Is it lemon? I really thought it was lemon, but Isabel told me “How would he get lemons in the Himalayas?” and now I DON’T KNOW!
Anyways, such a great movie. I adore it. Pixar swung for the fences again. 9.5/10
Underrated Character:
Roz. She’s always watching.
- Toy Story 2
- Monsters Inc.
- Toy Story
- A Bug’s Life